Friday, June 13, 2008

Auge de herramientas sociales "intra company"

Comentaba en el post anterior esta iniciativa de IBM

Luego lei que Universal McCann (Media Shop) esta implementando una nueva plataforma en su intranet que "deploy a Facebook-like social computing platform that also utilizes NewsGator Social Sites enabling every UM staffer to have their own page for posting content, blogs, and other information, while sharing public folders related to clients, projects and various agency workflow.
The new platform will utilize RSS technology to feed both external and internal news, information and important updates to individuals throughout the UM organization, as well as to key outside contacts such as clients and trading partners. "

Un dia despues leo que Microsoft Goes Facebok on its employes....

Para mi fue la semana de la social media "intra company"

Que buena noticia para mis amigos de Odiseo y su proyecto en Natura!

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