Frecuentemente escucho a alguien opinando acerca del llamado Multitasking.
Que es buenisimo....muestra del mayor coeficiente intelectual de las nuevas generaciones, que es tremendo ya que es una constante distraccion etc etc.
Todo depende de que lado la gente se pare y que preconceptos tenga, obvio!
Ante esto, me cuesta tener posicion. Es, como muchas otras cosas (se me viene a la mente la globalizacion) simplemente un fenomeno de la realidad. Guste o no.
Al respecto me parece interesante
este articulo de The New York Magazine "In defense of Distraction" Si, es verdad, toma posicion, pero lo hace de tal forma que vale la pena leerlo.
Y extraigo lo siguiente del mismo articulo:
The prophets of total attentional meltdown sometimes invoke, as an example of the great culture we’re going to lose as we succumb to e-thinking, the canonical French juggernaut Marcel Proust. And indeed, at seven volumes, several thousand pages, and 1.5 million words, À la Recherche du Temps Perdu is in many ways the anti-Twitter. (It would take, by the way, exactly 68,636 tweets to reproduce.) It’s important to remember, however, that the most famous moment in all of Proust, the moment that launches the entire monumental project, is a moment of pure distraction: when the narrator, Marcel, eats a spoonful of tea-soaked madeleine and finds himself instantly transported back to the world of his childhood. Proust makes it clear that conscious focus could never have yielded such profound magic: Marcel has to abandon the constraints of what he calls “voluntary memory”—the kind of narrow, purpose-driven attention that Adderall, say, might have allowed him to harness—in order to get to the deeper truths available only by distraction. That famous cookie is a kind of hyperlink: a little blip that launches an associative cascade of a million other subjects. This sort of free-associative wandering is essential to the creative process; one moment of judicious unmindfulness can inspire thousands of hours of mindfulness.